Today i will present you with two lovely plants which grow very good in Lahore and flower reliably. These are Pink Trumpet Vine and Yucatan Daisy. Both are perennials and tolerate hot summers of Lahore as well as our mild winters too. Let’s start with the pink trumpet vine first.
Pink trumpet vine with botanic name Podranea ricasoliana is a woody vine from the same family as tecoma. It is not as common though as tecoma. It flowers in late summer usually around October here in Lahore. So far, it is a once flowering vine for me. The trunk get large and woody with the passage of time. Flowers have mild strawberry fragrance. Shape and color of flowers is very unique. It is very easily propagated by cuttings. It is commonly knows as pink tecoma in local nurseries although it is not a tecoma. Only pest i have seen so far is aphids attacking the young growth. You should prune it regularly else it is an aggressive vine. Picture below is taken from my home where it is planted under a neem tree but grew above to the terrace. Enjoy the blooms.
Another plant which is even more uncommon and even rare to find is Yucatan Daisy. Its botanic name is Montanoa Atriplicfolia. You will not find many perennial bushes from the daisy family in a climate as hot as Lahore. The different thing about this bush is its long blooming period which starts from November till March. It is propagated from cuttings. It needs to be trimmed for a proper shape else it will become ugly. There are very few, yes very few perennial bushes which you will see flowering in winter here, it is one of them. The picture below is not my plant, it is taken at a plant nursery in Lahore where it was sold at a high price. Flower color darkens in cooler climate. It is evergreen in Lahore but may shed some leaves in cool climate. Enjoy the flowers.
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